
Showing posts from November, 2022

Found poem



 We did the second part of the test and my chromebook was dead and my phone acted up again. Now i have to ask to do it again bc of that. The rest of the class was talking about Black panther and i wasn’t trying to get spoiled so I watched youtube other than that the day wasn’t boring or anything. My cold is starting to dye down so I should be fine.


 I fell asleep because I took the wrong cough medicine so i kinda forgot what we were doing. We took a benchmark today that “counts as a grade” but my phone was acting up so I couldn’t really take it. Im gonna bring my Chromebook so I can actually take the test because I cant get a zero. Someone in class said chris tucker died.. HES ALIVE AND THE INFORMATION WAS WRONG. Other than that class was boring my nap was amazing.


 Today was boring because two other groups presented and it was confusing and they weren’t really interesting. Other than that the week went by really fast thank lord. The day went well other than that nothing bad happened. Lunch sucked when will we get better lunch like be for real.

presentation day

 We had to present today. It wasn’t hard at all, we just read and told the part that we had to do. Im pretty sure we got our grade that should bring my grade up tremendously(i hope).Tomorrow is fridays eve so thats a good sign.


 Today people had to present there group projects. My group has to go tomorrow and to be honest im still confused but lets see how it goes tomorrow. Today wasn’t bad it was just boring bc i could barley hear what the presenters were saying but you know maybe there not used to presenting. I hope I do okay.


 We were told to this project that really doesn’t make sense to me but gotta get her done i guess. Other than that we had to sit with our group and congregate on what were gonna do and stuff. Its an okay project but its kinda messy and confusing and it doenst really work unless were on a facetime or with eachother but yeah.

Fridays Eve

 Today we did a quiz on some words we had to study. The quiz was only easy because I studied. Then we read the color purple. I DONT KNOW IF ITS JUST ME BUT I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT SHE MEANS HALF OF THE TIME AND IT MAKES ME FEEL STUPID😟. The book isn’t boring it gets interesting and stuff but honestly we need a new book to read because that was isn’t give romantic or action. ITS GIVING DEPRESSING. 


 Today we only talked about grammar such as commas. I, on the other hand have perfect comma grammar(i may have put that comma in the wrong place which doesn’t prove my point but whatever). We didn’t read the novel “The Color Purple” today which was really disappointing because it was interesting even though her grammar is really bad so I barely understand what she was saying or meant but theres room for character development. We had to write a letter to god just like the character from the book. I wrote about how life sucks because one minute your happy and the next it can just blow up in your face. Other than that today was a good day.