
Showing posts from September, 2022

one pager


Fences(halfway there)

 Today is monday which means the cycle continues of coming to school and doing amazing work😼. Anyways.. we started off by taking notes on argument and what it is and stuff. Things about ethos, pathos, and logos. We then proceeded to read the book “Fences” again. I wanted to be troy but its whatever. Then Mr. Rease picked the readers for the parts. I love when tashina plays rose honestly. MR REASE YOUR ALWAYS TROY🤨. Im not complaining though, you read with enthusiasm which makes it funnier and better. Sometimes you pick dry readers that read slow and I just can’t help but want to fall asleep. But today was good and amazing so cant complain cause im alive🤷🏾‍♀️.Were on the last chapter of the book and I CANT WAIT TO SEE HOW IT ENDS P.S  DONT PICK DRY READERS.

can’t remember the date either

 Today we took a little pop quiz on indirect and direct characterization.It was pretty okay other than the fact i thought i passed the quiz. It was one of thoes moments where u get a test and after you take it u swear u passed but whnr i get your test back…you failed. Then after we had to read the book fences again as always it was pretty good.

I cant remember the day

 Today we took notes on indirect and direct characterization. After the notes we read fences which was really fun as always. I like the book because it has a lot of drama honestly. Other than that its a really good book. 


 I wasnt here on the 20th but today we read again and i was the narrator. It was funny. Before we read we took notes. It was kind of boring but when we started reading it was interesting.The day is going good so far so cant really complain.


 Today in class we were introduced to a new story called fences. Its funny because we got to actually read it like we were the characters. The class period was really fun and i hope we get to read more like how we did today.


 Its friday and mr rease wasn’t here for two days. The assignment was easy(the one he left). But it was a quick friday and easy. Good day because it was friday.

One pager 2

 We were working on our one pager and then we had a lockdown for at least 4 seconds. The principal is literally pushing buttons in his office just to see us rush to class for fun. I just know it. But the rest or the class went smooth.

One pager

 We spent the class working on our one pager. It wasn’t boring. I just listened to music and brainstormed what i would draw and write.It was fun because I got to help my friends with ideas and it was just chill.


 Today we were suppose to answer questions on the rockpile and our understanding on it. After that we were given an assignment called a One pager and its basically creativity and drawing what we saw while reading the story. I think its a fun activity.


 Today in class we did a bell ringer about our neighborhood and are we allowed to go and hangout with our friends and stuff. Then we were introduced to a story called “The Rockpile” it was rather interesting. It was about how in there neighborhood they had a rockpile in the park and how kids would play there, but the main characters were not allowed to go because it could be dangerous. It was a good day 


 We had to do our benchmark essay today. It wasn’t easy but it wasn’t hard if that makes sense. It was an okay day I did the essay but didnt have  a lot of time because i didnt finish the other questions. The week went by slow thought glad its over.

war veterans

 It affects them with life. If they go to the mall they may be paranoid because people could shoot up the mall or have a bomb so they might not want to go out so much because they think something bad will happen. PTSD may be another reason.


 Today we took a benchmark. It was boring. We had about 20 questions and for three of them we had to write so Im going to leave the writing for tomorrow and do the multiple choice today. After I did that I went to sleep and waited until it was time to go. Today was again mid.

Today was mid🤷🏾‍♀️

 Today in class we watched a video about this little girl in mexico who was dead for a few hours then died again at the hospital when her mother discovered she wad breathing in her casket. They couldn’t save her, then after that there was a doctor who came on and told us what was happening. We reviewed our test assessment and saw our scores. Only one girl got a 100 and yeah that was it. Today was mid… not bad but not good.

emily dickinson final part(hopefully)

 Today was okay. We had to take a test on emily dickinsons poems and it was confusing to me but i think i maybe got like 4 right. The constructive response was what I didn’t understand… i really tried to answer it but nothing came to my mind. I think i failed- no ik i failed. I just hope that it gets easier all this writing is starting to stress me, but i guess this is what the class is about. Yep writing, writing, and more writing yay.

Emily DICKINSON pt 55 at this point

 Today we had to write at least ten emily dickison poems but before i get to that lemme start at the beginning. We walked into class and i sat down then two minutes later the air came on and i was very cold haha… Then we just jumped into the assignment and which was to write ten emily dickinson quotes not peoms. It wasn’t a hard assignment, it sounds hard but if you just pick a quote that is easy to understand then its really easy. We got it for homework and I didnt finish so thats what am gonna do now. Other than American Lit school sucked after we left the class. There were like 4 fights for no reason and the lunch sucked, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger I guess.

Emily Dickinson
